
Publications in reversed chronological order. Check Google Scholar for more details.


  1. Journal
    On the Privacy Risks of Virtual Keyboards: Automatic Reconstruction of Typed Input from Compromising Reflections
    Rahul Raguram, Andrew M White, Yi Xu, Jan-Michael Frahm, Pierre Georgel, and Fabian Monrose
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) 2013
  2. Dissertation
    Efficient Algorithms for Robust Estimation
    Rahul Raguram


  1. BMVC
    Improved Geometric Verification for Large Scale Landmark Image Collections
    Rahul Raguram, Joseph Tighe, and Jan-Michael Frahm
    In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2012
  2. BMVC
    Efficient and Scalable Depthmap Fusion
    Enliang Zheng, Enrique Dunn, Rahul Raguram, and Jan-Michael Frahm
    In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2012
  3. Journal
    USAC: A universal framework for random sample consensus
    Rahul Raguram, Ondrej Chum, Marc Pollefeys, Jiri Matas, and Jan-Michael Frahm
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) 2012


  1. ACM CCS
    iSpy: Automatic Reconstruction of Typed Input from Compromising Reflections
    Rahul Raguram, Andrew M White, Dibyendusekhar Goswami, Fabian Monrose, and Jan-Michael Frahm
    In ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2011
  2. Journal
    Modeling and Recognition of Landmark Image Collections Using Iconic Scene Graphs
    Rahul Raguram, Changchang Wu, Jan-Michael Frahm, and Svetlana Lazebnik
    International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) 2011
  3. 3DV
    Efficient Generation of Multi-Perspective Panoramas
    Enliang Zheng, Rahul Raguram, Pierre Fite-Georgel, and Jan-Michael Frahm
    In International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT) 2011
  4. ICCV
    RECON: Scale-Adaptive Robust Estimation via Residual Consensus
    Rahul Raguram, and Jan-Michael Frahm
    In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2011


  1. ECCV
    Building Rome on a Cloudless Day
    Jan-Michael Frahm, Pierre Fite-Georgel, David Gallup, Tim Johnson, Rahul Raguram, Changchang Wu, Yi-Hung Jen, Enrique Dunn, Brian Clipp, Svetlana Lazebnik, and  others
    In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2010
  2. Journal
    Fast Robust Large-Scale Mapping from Video and Internet Photo Collections
    Jan-Michael Frahm, Marc Pollefeys, Svetlana Lazebnik, David Gallup, Brian Clipp, Rahul Raguram, Changchang Wu, Christopher Zach, and Tim Johnson
    ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2010
  3. CISS
    Fast Robust Reconstruction of Large-Scale Environments
    Jan-Michael Frahm, Marc Pollefeys, Svetlana Lazebnik, Brian Clipp, David Gallup, Rahul Raguram, and Changchang Wu
    In Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2010
  4. ECCV Workshop
    Fast Organization of Large Photo Collections using CUDA
    Tim Johnson, Pierre Fite-Georgel, Rahul Raguram, and Jan-Michael Frahm
    In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV): Workshop on Computer Vision on GPUs 2010


  1. ICCV
    Exploiting Uncertainty in Random Sample Consensus
    Rahul Raguram, Jan-Michael Frahm, and Marc Pollefeys
    In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2009
  2. Journal
    Improved Resolution Scalability for Bilevel Image Data in JPEG2000
    Rahul Raguram, Michael W Marcellin, and Ali Bilgin
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2009
  3. Journal
    3D Reconstruction of Architectural Scenes From Uncalibrated Video Sequences
    Jan-Michael Frahm, Marc Pollefeys, Brian Clipp, David Gallup, Rahul Raguram, ChangChang Wu, and Christopher Zach
    International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXVIII 2009


  1. ECCV
    A Comparative Analysis of RANSAC Techniques Leading to Adaptive Real-Time Random Sample Consensus
    Rahul Raguram, Jan-Michael Frahm, and Marc Pollefeys
    In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2008
  2. CVPR Workshop
    Computing Iconic Summaries of General Visual Concepts
    Rahul Raguram, and Svetlana Lazebnik
    In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR): Workshop on Internet Vision 2008
  3. IEEE VR
    A Mobile 3D City Reconstruction System
    Brian Clipp, Rahul Raguram, Jan-Michael Frahm, Gregory Welch, and Marc Pollefeys
    In IEEE Virtual Reality: Workshop on Virtual Cityscapes 2008


  1. DCC
    Improved Resolution Scalability for Bi-Level Image Data in JPEG2000
    Rahul Raguram, Michael W. Marcellin, and Ali Bilgin
    In IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC) 2007